So, why are you such a loner?

So many people know I write and have excellent grades. I have great looks and a way that I carry myself sets me apart from the hundreds of thousands that are in my age group. But, what few know - is that -- I'm quite the loner.

For some odd reason, I get classified as player, joker, or general cool cat. However, it hasn't always been this way. Perhaps, I can explain why I never imagined I'd be called anything but weird, annoying, and the worst thing God took the time to create.

When I was younger, way young, let's say when I was around 5 and my cognitive recognition was kicking in. Life was turned on it's head. I was watching the life of a 20 something-er, watching her taking shots & drinking beer, wearing revealing clothing, and well watching my mother do drugs around me. She'd party and have relations with both genders well into the morning -- while I was in the other room. If there wasn't a party or sex in the other room, my house wasn't normal.

Men ran through my house and mother quicker than water runs through a sifter, with ease. My mother drew no lines, let anyone crash, strangers and enemies alike. Unbeknowst to her, she wasn't the only host the guests were enjoying. I got called out on several occasions, to serve my mother's requests often embarrassing. However, one night -- my innocence would be robbed from me. One man, who I trusted, took my virginity -- to this day inhibiting me to let myself go sexually. Honestly, I've never had a full body orgasm that I've given dozens of women. I refuse to let go, when my own body was used in a purpose that I can't even begin to understand.

I was told to keep shut, or worse would happen to me. By my very own mother, it hurt to look into her eyes and to see that the demonic blindess of drugs made her turn her love away from her own child. My own recollection of the event that happened between my mother's lover and myself has faded, but to this day I still have nightmares about this man.

Before I knew it, my mother o'd and I was in the foster care system. She recovered in a hospital, but that last person she wanted to call was me. The state assumed and labeled her as unfit, and arrested her for endangerment of a child.

At this time in my life. I never had a single child friend, my life was spent in the shadow of my mother and her drug addiction, she never held a single job - yet held me hostage when all I wanted to do was explore the real world and just be a happy kid.

I regret that my formative years were spent going from my mother's drug haven of a house, then to a crack house, to men's houses, foster homes, court houses and finally my grandmother and grandfather's house.

I just wanted something to call my own. Some piece of myself that wasn't polluted, all I was handed was hurt, the hurt of my mother -- that she lost her own mother. My mother took her depression out in a bottle and a needle. I take mine out in cigarettes and being lonely. I've shadow boxed with the demon of addiction, however, I've succumbed, to the addiction of meaningless sex. Til this day, I can't keep a woman in my life ... b|c sooner than later, she'll want to sleep with me, and of course after the deed is done, I'm just as empty as before.

I refuse to blame my mother and her drug addiction for my own mental incapacity. I blame no one for my own condition. I blame her for forgetting that her own seed is more important that a nick of dust.

To this day, I have remained socially awkward -- I see people as fickle, liars, and shells of something utterly ugly. I admire few, and hang around even fewer. I now have a cynical nature after trying to grow into a beautiful young lady. I mean what is the point of opening up to be shut down? I'd rather keep my distance.

I may have an exceptional GPA, interesting perspective, but I'm hurting -- I can't let go of the cards that I was dealt, I've refused to shuffle to get a better hand. I really want to change for the better, but my past is a door that keep placing itself in front of the door in my future. I wanted to get a battering ram to knock this door down but I don't know what that battering ram is yet.

#sigh. the more I try to explain, the more insane I sound.


Pro Brooklynite said...

*hugs you real tight first* you are not your mother's daughter. All of us are fighting demons in this lifetime one way or another. Its just that certain individuals have more. The purpose of not perpetuating the cycle.. is well to stop just that. You can not go back in time & right your wrongs or get those who have wronged you to make them right. You need to stop allowing these women to use your vessel for their own fulfillment. You have so many odds in your favor. I admire the fact that despite all the cards that you've been dealt, you managed to still pave your way somehow through school that must be commended. So many with tragic stories like ours tend to throw in the towel or feel that they are castaways for things beyond your control. The few that beat the odds, find something positive to hang on to amidst the negative is what separates the elite from regular Joe shmoe's. You have a beautiful soul and aura, i truly believe that there are things in store in this lifetime for you that you can't begin to conceptualize. You don't have to open up to nay a person if you dont want to.. when you do be selective in your choices. Make sure that the people alloted a glimpse into Victoria's soul are worthy of seeing her fire burn bright. you can take the hurt.. allow it to consume you, throw in the towel right now and give up or you can take the same pain you feel & flip it to your advantage by blessing the few you meet with whichever facet of you, you choose to share. You don't sound insane.. because your story mirrors my who better to tell you that their is hope for us and you are not alone? *takes your hand* you are not alone :0)

you can continue to use sex as a means to temporarily numb the pain.. or you can choose to let the pain go today. Make ammends with your past because no matter who u hurt, who youre mad it.. those days you will not get back. Ask your God to forgive those who wronged you and ask your God to give you a moment of clarity where your heart can open wide. Where you can step out of yourself and see you for being worth the wait...worth fighting for..worth love. Until then, change your pattern, gain your satisfaction from allowing you to connect with another human being without disrespecting your temple if all she is there for is a thrill.. moving forward Vic longevity is what we shall seek...

Either way sis.. i'm here to listen & share. :0)

Vic said...

Thank you for that comment sis, I'm glad you posted that. =]

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